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Donation & Privacy Policies


Seeds of Caring is a non-profit organization that empowers kids to create a kinder community with their hearts, hands, and minds. We do this by designing meaningful opportunities for kids to engage in service, social action, and community-building.

This privacy policy was created to demonstrate our commitment to the privacy of our, volunteers, donors and website users. This policy explains what type of information is collected by Seeds of Caring and how this information is used.

Information We Collect
Individuals who sign up to receive our e-newsletter, sign up for a volunteer event through Eventbrite, and/or who donate to Seeds of Caring voluntarily provide us with contact information; such as name, email, address, and first names of family members (for event purposes only provided by the parent/guardian).  

IP Addresses
Seeds of Caring uses your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer, and for statistical metrics used to track website visitor traffic.  

Cookies are files with small amount of data that is commonly used an anonymous unique identifier. These are sent to your browser from the website that you visit and are stored on your computer’s hard drive. You can reject cookies or cancel them by instructing your Web browser accordingly.

How Your Information May Be Used
The information that we collect will be used to contact or identify you for purposes relating to volunteer events, e-newsletters, donor acknowledgement, etc. You may always "opt out," either now or at any time in the future, if you do not wish to receive our messages.

External Links includes links to external websites. These links do not fall under the domain, and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of external websites. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.

Service Providers
Seeds of Caring utilizes Eventbrite for event registration. Names, emails, and addresses will only be used for purposes necessary for the event and to stay in contact with participants after the event. Seeds of Caring utilizes Virtuous to process donations. Names, emails, and addresses will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation and to stay in touch with donors after the time of donation. Seeds of Caring does not sell or trade donors’ private information with other organizations.

Privacy Rights
Seeds of Caring respects the privacy of individual donors and will not sell or publish the names and contact information of these donors without providing them an opportunity to opt out of the use of their names.

  1. Seeds of Caring shall disclose to donors whether and how their names may be used.
  2. Seeds of Caring shall provide donors, at the time a contribution is made, an easy method to indicate whether the donor wishes to not have his or her name or contact information shared outside the organization.
  3. Seeds of Caring solicitation and other promotional materials shall provide a means for donors and others who receive such materials to request that their names be deleted from similar mailings, faxes, or electronic communications in the future.
  4. Seeds of Caring shall, within ten (10) business days, remove a donor’s name from any lists upon request.

Children’s Privacy
Seeds of Caring does not collect personal identifiable information from children under 18. Families who attend Seeds of Caring events sign a liability waiver & photographic release form at the time of registration.  Should you feel that a photo of your child has been used without your permission, please contact us immediately.

We may amend this privacy policy from time to time; please review it periodically. We maintain the option to modify this privacy policy at any time by electronic notice posted on our website. Your continued use of our website after the date that such notices are posted will be deemed to be your agreement to the changed terms.

Contact Us
If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at


We are grateful for your donation and support of our organization. Donations are normally nonrefundable but if you have made an error in making your donation or change your mind about contributing to our organization please contact us at

Refunds are returned by check. Please allow 10 business days following the refund request to receive such refund.


Ongoing support is important to enable meaningful opportunities for kids to continue to engage in service, social action, and community-building projects, so we encourage donors to continue to contribute over time. But if you must cancel your recurring donation, please notify us immediately at


  1. To be informed of the organization's mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
  2. To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization's governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
  3. To have access to the organization's most recent financial statements.
  4. To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
  5. To receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition.
  6. To be assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
  7. To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
  8. To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization or hired solicitors.
  9. To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share.
  10. To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.


Policy Statement:        
Seeds of Caring solicits and accepts gifts that are consistent with its mission.  Donations will generally be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, foundations, government agencies, or other entities, without limitations.  In the course of its regular fundraising activities, Seeds of Caring will accept donations of money, in-kind gifts and services, real property, stocks, and planned gifts. Certain types of gifts must be reviewed prior to acceptance due to the special liabilities they may pose for Seeds of Caring. Examples of gifts which will be subject to review include, but are not limited to gifts of personal property, gifts of real property, and gifts of securities.

The purpose of this policy is to clarify who may solicit donations on behalf of Seeds of Caring; outline how and by whom donations may be accepted; provide guidelines for donation solicitation, acknowledgement, and recognition including naming rights.

General Policies Relevant to All Gifts

A.  Use of Legal Counsel
Seeds of Caring shall seek advice of legal counsel in matters relating to acceptance of gifts when appropriate. Examples of gifts that may require legal counsel are, but not limited to closely held stock transfers subject to restrictions, documents naming Seeds of Caring as Trustee, gifts involving contracts or other documents requiring Seeds of Caring to assume an obligation, gifts that may pose a conflict of interest or do not support the future growth of Seeds of Caring.

B. Conflict of Interest
Seeds of Caring will suggest to all prospective donors to seek the assistance of independent personal legal and financial advisors in matters relating to their gifts and the resulting tax and estate planning consequences.  Seeds of Caring employees, volunteers, and board members are prohibited from advising donors about the tax consequences of their donations.

C. Restrictions on Gifts
Seeds of Caring will accept unrestricted gifts, and gifts for specific programs and purposes, provided that such gifts are consistent with its stated mission, purposes, and priorities. Seeds of Caring will not accept gifts that are too restrictive in purpose, that are not consistent with Seeds of Caring’s mission, or with current and/or future programs. All final decisions on the restrictive nature of the gift, and its acceptance or refusal, shall be made by the Executive Director and the Board of Directors.

D. Tax Compliance
Seeds of Caring’s policy is to comply with Internal Revenue Service reporting requirements and all other aspects of state and federal tax law.

Types of Gifts

A. Cash/Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents can take the form of currency, check, electronic funds transfers or credit card.

B. Conditional Promise to Give
A promise to give that depends on the occurrence of a specified future and uncertain event to bind the promisor.

C. Gift-in-kind
Transfer of securities, real and tangible personal property or services for which donors are eligible for a charitable gift deduction. Gifts-in-kind should be reported at the fair market value estimated by the donor and corroborated by Seeds of Caring staff.

D. Personal property
Seeds of Caring may consider gifts of personal property, including but not limited to works of art, patents, copyrights, antiques, stamp and coin collections, jewelry, furniture, rare books, manuscripts, or any other item that has a determinable value. Donations will be accepted only after a review indicates that the property is either readily marketable or needed by Seeds of Caring. It is the policy of Seeds of Caring to sell or otherwise dispose of all gifts of personal property not used.

E. Planned Gift
Gifts or commitments made in the present with the benefit to Seeds of Caring "deferred" until a future date. Planned gifts may include outright gifts of appreciated property (securities and real estate), charitable trusts, life insurance, pooled income fund, life estate and revocable trusts. These gifts will be reviewed with the Executive Director and Board of Directors for acceptability and transferability.

F. Pledge
Commitments to donate a specific dollar amount according to a fixed schedule. The following information must exist to substantiate a pledge: the amount of pledge, a clearly defined payment schedule, the donor shall not have any contingencies or conditions, the donor must be considered financially capable of fulfilling the pledge, any naming opportunities shall be removed if the pledge is not completed within the agreed upon schedule, and any changes to the original pledge must be documented in writing.

G. Quid Pro Quo Contribution
A contribution made by a donor in exchange for goods or services is known as a quid pro quo contribution. Example of a quid pro quo contribution: A donor gives a charitable organization $100 in exchange for a concert ticket with a fair market value of $40. In this example, the donor’s tax deduction may not exceed $60.

H. Real property
Real property includes improved or unimproved land, personal residences, farmland, commercial property, rental property, and mineral interests. If it is the intention of the donor that Seeds of Caring not immediately dispose of real property, an agreement must be made in writing between Seeds of Caring and the donor before Seeds of Caring may accept such property. Gift real estate must be tested to be in conformity with local, state and federal laws, including EPA regulations and the donor must provide satisfactory evidence of environmental compliance. Prior to acceptance, an independent, expert appraisal is required (by the donor).

I. Securities
Publicly-traded securities: (1) listed on an exchange in which quotations are published daily; (2) regularly traded in national or regional over-the-counter markets for which published quotations are available; or (3) that are shares of a mutual fund for which quotations are published on a daily basis in a newspaper of general circulation throughout the United States, will be accepted as gifts or toward pledges. The value of securities is determined on the recognized gift date, which is established when the donor relinquishes control of the securities. The average of the high and low trading prices on the gift date determines the value of securities for reporting purposes. It is the policy of Seeds of Caring to dispose of securities as soon after their receipt as possible.

Closely held securities (non-public): Seeds of Caring shall examine any issue that is not publicly traded prior to its acceptance as a gift and may decline a gift of such securities if it deems them difficult to value or not easily marketable.

J. Sponsorship
Financial support for an activity or business venture in which the exchange is a form of advertising.

Reporting Requirements
Donations received by Seeds of Caring shall be properly received, recorded and administered using appropriate internal controls, sound financial business practices and following current IRS regulations.  All donations are recorded in Seeds of Caring’s donor management software.  All donations shall be used for purposes consistent with the donor’s expressed intent. Seeds of Caring must acknowledge all gifts in a timely manner and comply with federal regulations by providing a receipt for all contributions.

Naming Rights
On occasion, Seeds of Caring seeks to recognize individuals or organizations that have supported the mission through distinguished efforts or substantial contributions, by naming programs or activities in their honor. If a naming right is for the duration of one year or less, the Executive Director shall have the authority to approve such naming rights. However, if the naming rights will extend beyond one year, proposals should be submitted to the Executive Director, along with specific citations supporting the recommendation.  Naming rights in excess of one year will not be granted until final approval is obtained from the Board of Directors. A signed, written agreement which outlines the terms of the naming rights beyond one year is expected in each case. When granting naming rights, Seeds of Caring will always be consistent with the mission, values and vision, and adhere to all applicable tax regulations. Naming rights may be time limited and/or subject to regular review.

Privacy Rights
Seeds of Caring respects the privacy of individual donors and will not sell or publish the names and contact information of these donors without providing them an opportunity to opt out of the use of their names.

  1. Seeds of Caring shall disclose to donors whether and how their names may be used.
  2. Seeds of Caring shall provide donors, at the time a contribution is made, an easy method to indicate whether the donor wishes to not have his or her name or contact information shared outside the organization.
  3. Seeds of Caring solicitation and other promotional materials shall provide a means for donors and others who receive such materials to request that their names be deleted from similar mailings, faxes, or electronic communications in the future.
  4. Seeds of Caring shall, within ten (10) business days, remove a donor’s name from any lists upon request.

Changes to Gift Acceptance Policy
This policy has been reviewed and accepted by the Seeds of Caring Board of Directors. The Board of Directors must approve any changes to or deviations from this policy.