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Ambassador Team

Join our ambassador team

Help us get up and running in Indy!

The big show cannot go on without a backstage crew and Seeds of Caring is no different! Our volunteers make our work of engaging young kids in service, social action and community building go off without a hitch! So, what do you say? Want to help us behind the scenes? Join our Indianapolis Ambassador team today!

Our volunteer opportunities are flexible both schedule-wise and activity-wise. They are posted monthly, but we’d love to know which ones jump out at you most at first glance.

Here are some of the ways you can contribute:
Be a porch drop-off spot

(This one is a critical component of our projects and involves ensuring donations are safely collected in labeled bins, providing donation totals and post-project photos, and delivering items to local nonprofit partners.)

At-home supply preparation
Distributing supplies to other Ambassadors
Social media support
Community outreach
Administrative support
School or scout liaison
Want to help in a way we haven’t thought of yet? Please share!

Our registration form includes a 20 minute recorded training and a 3 minute background check. Once completed, your time commitment is flexible (though we do ask that you sign up at least four times per year). Each month, we will share a list of specific Ambassador opportunities and you can choose what best fits your schedule. Typical activities require 1.5 - 3 hours of work and the majority of them can be completed from home.

Application Currently Closed

Would you like to learn more about being an Ambassador before you register? Attend a 30 minute Zoom meeting on either January 18th at 7pm or January 19th at noon by clicking the appropriate link at that time. Please note that you don’t need to attend a Zoom call to register but it's an optional way to get to know us better!

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